Take Action
End Littering
Plan A Cleanup Event
Tips for Organizing a Cleanup in Your Community
- Register – Let Keep Delaware Beautiful know when you’re planning a clean up event. We can help promote your event on social media and through out website. This also helps us report back to Keep America Beautiful about the efforts happening here.
- Find Volunteers – If you aren’t already working with a club or organization, reach out to local Scout groups, High School clubs, Church Youth Groups, Local Businesses or other service organizations.
- Create a Cleanup Plan and Tour Planned Clean Up Area – Visit the site you plan to clean and make sure you will have the people and equipment to conduct the cleanup. Scan the area for any larger items that may require extra resources. Be sure you have permission to conduct a clean up on any private land.
- Organize Supplies – Keep Delaware Beautiful volunteer groups that register events can get free cleanup supplies such as bags, gloves and vests donated by the Delaware Department of Transportation and Keep Delaware Beautiful.
- Promote Your Event – Most local media outlets are more than willing to promote community events. Notify your local newspapers, and radio stations. Download and print posters and get volunteers to help distribute them to schools and businesses. Keep Delaware Beautiful will also promote your event via our website and social media.
Safety Reminders
- Be aware of private property, and get permission from landowners before going on their land.
- Roadside litter can be dangerous. Do not open coolers, jugs, bottles and other sealed containers. Be careful when working close to the roadway.
- Report any suspicious or dangerous items to police immediately.
- Make sure children are not left unattended near highways or water.
Types of Events You Can Organize
- Litter Cleanups
- Plant trees, shrubs and gardens
- Revitalize your local park
Increase Recycling
Delaware Solid Waste Authority Collection Events
The Delaware Solid Waste Authority (DSWA) operates Collection events for disposal of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), Electronics Recycling and Document Shredding. Events are held at different locations throughout the year and weekly throughout locations in the state. Delaware residents can bring their HHW to the event free of charge.
Beautify Our State
Report Illegal Dumping
DNREC Environmental Crimes Unit – (800) 662-8802
DNREC Community Policing
The Environmental Crimes Unit also runs a Community Policing Program. Under this program, officers train municipal and county police to identify environmental violations. For more information on the Community Policing Program, contact Chief of Enforcement James Faedtke at (302) 739-9401. Other services provided by the Environmental Crimes Unit include a ride-a-long program and liaison with community groups.
Delaware Forest Service
Reforestation and Low-Cost Seedlings – The Delaware Forest Service offers a variety of tree seedlings each spring through a cooperative effort with the Maryland Forest Service nursery in Preston. Landowners order seedlings in the fall and early winter for delivery in mid-March to mid-April, depending upon weather conditions. For more information on the tree species available, visit the nursery’s website at: http://nursery.dnr.maryland.gov/