Plan A Community Clean-Up
Create A Cleanup Plan And Tour Clean Up Area
Visit the site you plan to clean and make sure you will have the people and equipment to conduct the cleanup. Scan the area for any larger items that may require extra resources. Be sure you have permission to conduct a clean up on any private land.
Find Volunteers
If you aren’t already working with a club or organization, reach out to local Scout groups, High School clubs, Church Youth Groups or other service organizations.
Contact State Legislator For Disposal Assistance
Contact your local State Representative or Senator and ask them for help with waste disposal fees associated with your clean up. Through Keep Delaware Beautiful and the Delaware Solid Waste Authority, your state legislator has access to funds to help you dispose of all waste from your clean for free through the Community Clean Up Program. Find your legislators by visiting
Work With Keep Delaware Beautiful To Help Make Your Event A Success
Keep Delaware Beautiful will receive information from your state legislator about your clean up and will reach out to you to help get more details about your event. Keep Delaware Beautiful is able to provide your clean up with bags, safety vests and litter grabbers. Along with that, Keep Delaware Beautiful will help promote your event via social media and on our website calendar.
If you have more questions about organizing a clean up or questions about the Community Clean Up Program, please contact Jessica Catts at Jessica@KeepDelawareBeautiful.

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