Litter Free School Zone Program
The Delaware Litter Free School Zone Program is designed to encourage students to keep their school grounds litter-free and to raise public awareness regarding litter via a Litter Free School Zone sign to be displayed outside the school. Students, clubs, classes, and even entire school districts can participate in the Litter Free School Zone program. Keeping their school litter-free is an easy and fun way for students to work together, learning community leadership and responsibility skills while gaining a respect for the environment and the world around them. It is also an opportunity to develop a school-wide stewardship ethic and set a community example.
The Litter Free School Zone program strives to resolve the issue of littering in two ways:
Cleanup: Remove existing and deposited litter as soon as possible after it appears, so that further littering will be less likely to occur.
Prevention: Create a sense of understanding, caring, and responsibility, often described as environmental
stewardship, in our children so that they will not think of littering as an acceptable behavior in their world.
Minimum Requirements from the School:
- Complete two improvement projects per school year which can include litter clean ups and/or beautification events. Examples of Beautification can include, planting flowers, trees, and/or vegetables. You can also paint a mural, sign, bench, etc.
- Complete report to Keep Delaware Beautiful after each event.
- Promote, organize, and implement any school events as litter free events.
- Report activities in school publications, bulletin boards, websites, etc.
- Make safety a top priority.
- Provide written notice to Keep Delaware Beautiful and remove signage in the event that the
school wishes to terminate from the program or if it becomes inactive.
Keep Delaware Beautiful Provides:
- Attractive signage for your school designating it as a litter free zone.
- Media coverage publicizing your school’s involvement through our newsletter, news releases,
Facebook and Twitter. - Helpful and responsive assistance from staff.
If your school is interested in participating in Keep Delaware Beautiful’s Litter Free School Zone Program please fill out the agreement form on this page.
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